Friday, November 27, 2009

bad practice #1

this is a list of things that you shouldn't do or you should avoid in NAV.

this thing based on my experience during implementation, so its fairly subjective and i (VERY HAPPILY) welcome any arguments or experience sharing to broaden my knowledge

1. implement items with heavy transaction with serial number. the adjust cost operation will take a very long time to finish. its not strictly forbidden, but if you could.. please avoid it. and if you do, i recommend you do the adjust costing in a non-working hours.

2. combine #1 with Automatic Adjust Costing : Always (in Inventory Setup). the adjust costing will be performed during the posting process, and it happens during working hour (mostly people posts during that time rite?). that way, you will put other users into risks of couldn't perform their jobs, because all the needed resources will be locked by the ongoing process (posting).

3. combine #1 with Average Cost Calc Type : Item & Location & Variant (in inventory Setup). the adjust costing will (potentially) getting longer, if not forever... :).

4. Backdate posting. it will lead to a long time adjust costing (potentially). actually it's not forbidden to do this. but it'll potentially cause a lot problem if its become a usere's habit. i promise you, it will... especially if you're
using NAV 4xx.

that's it for now.. let's make NAV a better place :)

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