Friday, January 23, 2015

Enable System Indicator

System indicator.

System indicator is a eye-catching marker in NAV, so user can tell which database/company that he/she's currently use. this feature is very useful for me since i open a lot of databases at the same time during development, I often make mistakes working at the wrong database, since they look all the same. system indicator helps me to avoid this.

this is how system indicator looks :

following is how-to enable system indicator (taken from NAV help server)

To enable the system indicator
  1. In the Search box, enter Company Information, and then choose the related link.
  2. Expand the System Indicator FastTab.
  3. In the System Indicator field, select one of the following options.

    System indicator typeDescription
    NoneNo text is shown.
    When you are in configuration mode, the Configuration status is always displayed. You cannot turn this text off.
    Custom TextShows text that you enter in the System Indicator Text field.
    Company InformationShows text that you enter in the Name field.
    CompanyShows the company name.
    DatabaseShows the middle-tier host name and database name.
    Company+DatabaseShows the company name, the middle-tier host name, and the database name.
  4. In the System Indicator Style field, select from the Standard and Accent1 through Accent9 options to add a certain style to the system indicator.
  5. In the System Indicator Text field, enter custom text to show. To show the text, you must select the Custom Text option in the System Indicator field.
  6. Choose the OK button, and then restart Microsoft Dynamics NAV to see the changes.

*tested on NAV2013 R2

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Free development tools

Last updated 21 jan 205

This is the list of  development tools that i use.
maybe not the best, but it get my jobs done, and its FREE.
i will update the list over time.

1. Fiddler, AJAX sniffing tools, i use this to debug my AJAX object.

2. Microsoft Web Expression 4. web editing tools, oftenly compared with dreamweaver. its unbelievable MS give such great tools for free

3. notepad2
notepad, but pumped up with standard code writing tools. recognize syntax, indentation, show whitespace, etc. a very lightweight coding tools, one my essential tools

4. DBComparer
Compare database? why? because compare text is too mainstream.

AX Retail : how to set POS layout for specific user

By default, the layout is set on Register. If you need to differentiate the layout for specific user, here's how to do it :

  1. Go to Retail >> Common >> Workers
  2. Select worker you want to change, and click edit
  3. Go to Retail Section
  4. Change "Layout ID" (i assume you already have the specific layout ready)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

MSSQL : Find Last Day and First Day of the month, and previous month

Get First Day of this month

Get Last Day of this month

Get First Day of the last (1) month

Get Last Day of the last (1) month
SELECT DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) - 1, 0))+1,0)))

Get First Day of the last (2) month

Get Last Day of the last (2) month
SELECT DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) - 2, 0))+1,0))) 

and so on...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

LS Retail : Activate float entry automatically after login

What you want :

LS POS to automatically show Float Entry window during login,

Solution :

go to Store Card and do the following :
1. check Safe Mgnt. in Use"
2. Select "POS Start Amount Method" to "Fixed Bag" or "Flexible Bag"

Tested on LS 7.1